Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Angry American or "The Rest Of Us"

This article is nothing shy of absurd. Rather, the sentiments of Rep. Bachmann are absurd. The fact that she is even suggesting enacting something similar to the House Un-American Activities Committee should have her thrown out of office. Joseph McCarthy was one of the worst things to ever happen to this country and may be solely responsible for the fascist nature of our country over the past half-century. But there's something that infuriates me even more than that. It's her comments and feelings, as well as those of Sarah Palin's mentioned at the end of the article, and those held by a majority of the Republican party and their constituents:

This moronic idea that small-town, middle American, blue collar, Christian, white, good ol' boys are the heart and soul of this country.

I've had enough. I am a goddamn Patriot and a goddamn American and I'm sick of people like this pretending they are the only ones who care about this country. It's even more frustrating considering they're the ones single-handedly destroying the fabric of this country.

So to all these neo-conservative, heartland fucks in political office in this country (who of course will never read this) who think they are better than the majority of America, I say fuck you.

Contrary to popular belief, the people who care about this country and want to see it prosper are not all like you. We don't all live in the midwest. There are other parts of the country you know. And this idiotic notion of blue collar supremacy is ridiculous. Do you even know anyone that has a blue collar job? I'm offended that if you work in a place with air conditioning you are not worthy of acceptance into the American brotherhood. The majority of jobs in this country are considered white collar. As for small-towns, I'll be goddamned if this country is going to take on those "values." I was born in a small town (and I can breathe in a small town) and it was full of rednecks. And rednecks are the absolute scum of the earth. Not all of us are Christian, not all of us are white, not all of us are straight.

We are at the dawn of a new period in American history. We are about to elect the first black president, and put an end to the disgusting era we have writhed in for the past eight years. And it will be glorious.

In other news, this entire idea of the Heartland is bunk. During the mid-80s, there was a surge of popularity for a genre of music called Heartland Rock. There were 4 members of the genre, and 3 of them (Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty [& The Heartbreakers], and John Mellencamp né Cougar) are all outspoken liberals. John Mellencamp even thinks Obama isn't liberal enough. So kiss your magical all-white, all-Christian, huntin' and fishin' and steel mill workin', Chevy truck drivin' vision of America goodbye. It doesn't exist.

A lot of people have been getting upset that people criticize Sarah Palin. They feel that she represents them and are tired of most Americans looking down their noses at people like them. Well, fuck you. Only a complete and absolute moron would have the slightest inkling of interest in Sarah Palin running for office. You should have your right to vote removed if you think she deserves to be Vice President, and let's face it, possibly President of the United States. I dare you, I dare anyone who knows anyone who thinks Sarah Palin is competent to tell me why. And for that matter, anyone who is voting for McCain to tell me how you can turn a blind eye to the fact that a vote for McCain is a vote for Palin. Her appointment is a slap in the face of every American citizen and if she made her way into office there would be riots in the streets, and I'd be at the head. Sarah Palin is nothing but a joke.

This is our country, our planet, our future. Make the right decision not just for yourself, but for America. On November 4th, you should only have one tough decision to make: whether to go to Olive Garden or Red Lobster for your Obama victory party.

Update: The Daily Kos has posted an exhaustive report on the batshit life and times of Rep. Bachmann.

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