Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Real Retarded Rube: Republican Representative Reacts Radically

This guy is a moron.

You can read the article (and the mindless battle waged in the "Comments") and figure this out for yourself.

First off, I wouldn't call this an apology since he doesn't apologize. Well, he does, but then he repeats all the stuff he was apologizing for which negates the whole thing. Now you may not like Obama, that's fine. This is about more than that. It's about the senseless libel and slander spread by all these "conservative" types that I thought would end after the election.

"You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany." Yeah, and you have to remember that Hitler also wrote Mein Kampf before that. People knew exactly what they were getting into when they elected Hitler. And he didn't trick them into doing anything they didn't want to do. We're talking about a group of people who had been holding a hatred for hundred of years. It wasn't anything new.

As for this whole socialist deal, this guy ran as a socialist, not Obama. Take a few seconds to compare their policies and take a quick gander at this, and then try and say that Obama is a socialist. He's a capitalist. Plain and simple.

As for this whole idea that a guy can be Hitler and a Marxist at the same time, well, they can't. Those two dudes were the complete opposite. Hitler was a fuckin' fascist you idiots. Obama may have a secret or two, but I'm sure we'd know if he was a fascist what with him being a United States Senator and all. Unless he's just biding his time. Oh shit! Also, stop using socialism and communism interchangeably. Read a book.

"When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist." What? He never said they'd answer to him, in fact, I think it'd be just the opposite of that considering the U.S. military is a national security force as strong as the U.S. military that answers to him. Duh. And again, does this guy even know what Marxism is. For that matter, do these people even know where the Marx in Marxism comes from? I doubt it.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that Georgia Congressman Paul Broun is a huge moron. But he is from Georgia, so let's be realistic. I mean, that place is a shithole.

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